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“Why Should We Hire You?” - 5 Excellent Responses

Table of Contents

Case 1: Why we hire you for the position of Graduate Civil Engineer, fresher or 1 to 2-year experience.

Case 2: Why we hire you for a position of Drainage Engineer, 1 to 2-year experience.

Case 3: Why we hire you for a position of Traffic Engineer, 1 to 2-year experience.

Case 4: Why we hire you for a position of Road Restraint System Engineer, 1 to 2-year experience.

Case 5: Why we hire you for a position of Project Planner, 1 to 2-year experience.

Key Takeaways

why we hire you

Imagine yourself in a job interview and you are asked “Why should we hire you?”, what would be your answer?

Are you fully prepared to respond to this question? If not, please read this blog to prepare yourself.

When you are asked this question, you need to proceed with caution. After all, you don’t want to jeopardise your interview by talking about something ambiguous or excessive and sounding sort of a show-off.

The hiring manager is evaluating your response to work out if you're the right person for that job. So, let’s explore some possible snares and things to avoid when describing why they should hire you for that role.

My first recommendation would be, please don’t respond with a generic answer like, “I’m intelligent, qualified and I am totally fit for this role. All these are correct statements, but it’s also true that almost every other candidate would be saying a similar answer.

You need to be exceptional and aim to distinct yourself from your competitors. Although you don’t need to sound like an overoptimistic show-off, so pitch your skills and experiences humbly.

It's important to list out some bullet points that you would like to emphasise beforehand and prepare some responses to that question, "why should we hire you?". Here you are pitching yourself and impressing your interviewer by stating your capabilities and competencies.

Please see some of the examples below to help you to prepare your answer to suit your candidature.

Case 1: Why we hire you for the position of Graduate Civil Engineer, fresher or 1 to 2-year experience.

It’s a good question. From what I've understood from job details, it seems to me that your organisation is looking for a graduate civil engineer fresher or 1 to 2 years of experience. I don’t find any specifics of design software skills.

In that case, I would wish to tell you that I have completed my civil engineering degree a year ago with distinction from one of the prestigious engineering colleges of the country. Along with this, I have attended various professional civil engineering online training courses from gcelab.com or a similar platform.

Now I have a better understanding, how civil engineering project works from conception to construction, how the project moves from prelim design to detailed design and then to construction.

I also understand various types of tender processes as a traditional contract or Design and Built or PPP, etc.

type of construction contract -1

I would wish to develop my core competencies in highway design and highway engineering, so I have attended the highway engineering course of gcelab.com. Now I have a better understanding of highway link design, roundabout design, junction, etc.