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Road Restraint System Design Course: 5 Important Modules

Table of Contents

What is Road Restraint System Design Course?

Module 1 – Road Restraint System Design Fundamentals:

Module 2 – Road Restraint System Design Process:

Module 3 – Road Restraint System Example:

Module 4 – RRS Lesson Learnt and Innovation:

Module 5 – Road Restraint System Standard Details:

Key Takeaways:

What is Road Restraint System Design Course?

Road Restraint System (RRS) Design Course can assist you to learn the whole process of Road Restraint System Design to fast track your career as an RRS Design Engineer. But there are not many courses available online to learn RRS Design at reasonable fees.

That’s why we have developed our road restraint system design online course with extensive details from fundamentals of Restraint systems to RRRAP Assessment, RRS types, RRS terminologies, RRS design process. Please read this blog to appreciate what we have covered at our Road Restraint System Design Course.

Road Restraint System Design

The course is divided into five modules and we have covered practically all the important points of road or vehicle restraint system design as described below:

Module 1 – Road Restraint System Design Fundamentals:

The first module provides all types of RRS systems like flexible systems, semi-rigid barriers, bridge parapets, etc. RRS family categorised as vehicle restraint system and pedestrian restraint system. We have explained the RRS family in a detailed manner. Thereafter, we have explained the Road Restraint System appraisal process.

Means how to identify an issue, how to assess the risk, how to reduce the risk and finally how to design a road restraint system. The design process recommends RRS solutions for all possible situation like a road in the embankment, the road in cutting, when there is a single hazard on the road, culverts, etc.

Module 2 – Road Restraint System Design Process:

In the second module, we have first discussed the terminologies of the Road/Vehicle  Restraint System like containment levels, working width, set back a distance, types of terminals, Length of needs, etc. We further explained how these terminologies led to the design and set the location of the road restraint system.

Terminals are one the key component of the road restraint system, and therefore it is very important the types of terminals and when to use what type of terminal.

Module 3 – Road Restraint System Example:

The third module covers Road/Vehicle Restraint System examples, visibility criteria, transition barriers, etc. Transition barrier is provided between safety barriers with different Working Widths or Containment Levels. They may also be required between barriers and bridge parapets.

We have discussed transition barrier, concrete barrier, encapsulation of concrete barrier and visibility criteria when concrete barriers are placed at a central median of the motorway.

Module 4 – RRS Lesson Learnt and Innovation:

The fourth module shares lessons of various case studies such as missing working width at a road restraint system, missing set-back distances, missing transition barriers, broken terminals, etc. We have also shared an innovative road restraint system and its advantages such as Rolling Barrier, Crash Cushions and Noise Barriers.

The module highlights the importance of innovation when it comes to RRS Design and strategy.

Module 5 – Road Restraint System Standard Details:

The fifth module explains the Standard Details of Road/Vehicle Restraint Systems. Here we have covered the components of steel barrier, concrete berries, wire rope barrier and terminals. These Road/vehicle Restraint System products are procured from product suppliers and installed on the site in accordance with the details provided with the product manual and specifications.

Blog Why RRS is so important

Key Takeaways:

Road/VehicleRestraint System is one of the most important features of highway infrastructure. RRS system not only protect road users and road assets from direct collision incise of an accident, but it also protects constructive operatives, maintenance operatives when the road or road assets are repaired, and temporary traffic management is applied.

I hope the blog provides you with a detailed outline of our road/vehicle restraint system online course. Please join signup with gcelab.com and complete our course. The course will surely help you to fast track your career as a road restraint system designer.

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Founder at gcelab.com, Pooja is an Entrepreneur unlocking human potential. Working in the Principles of Lean Start-up, Pooja believes in Transparency and User Happiness the most. Pooja’s background in teaching gives her a sophisticated grasp on even the most tedious aspect of course building. She is passionate about people who believe that good is not enough.

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